Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dressing Up A Bobbed Hairstyle

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!... and a merry game ... can-D

playmates wishes all readers a Merry Christmas and looking forward into the new year to present some colorful information about the wide world of games. Merry Christmas and blessed holidays, wishes

(Director, Owner, editor, lecturer, prolific writer, Kunterbunt Three Reder and generally considered crazy designated hack the game friends :-))


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Exanple Of Seating And Welcoming Guest

new life to

Having experienced yesterday had our first official game of accuracy and Then I came today to edit the photos ready, it has somehow found that I could also adapt the same logo. From then passes Herumprobiererei schonmal containing one or two hour and so was coming, what had to: the design of the blog was also mitangepasst equal and shines in the winter, almost autumnal Seeming somehow * lol *...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nicotine Patches Give Me Blisters

first game of the meeting a success

Granted, it was not the 25 people who I had predicted ... but also to the seventh game of the afternoon was able to fulfill its purpose and prepare all participants enjoy a great time. Played

across the board, first starting with short group games to tense games of skill (Bamboleo) was added to cooperation games to ala pandemic was all represented, with the result that the time only as evaporated and the afternoon was quickly over, as he had begun ...

... But do not worry, the next game meeting is already fixed and will be held on Saturday the 09 January 2010 instead, but this time starting as early as 10:00 clock :-D.

(I take this opportunity once again to the minister of the parish meeting for providing-for-the premises and to thank the great support, without which the whole thing would not be realized can!)

Other pictures .. .

Friday, December 4, 2009

Plica Resection Recovery Time

friends play games test presents Christmas wish list of board games

The employees of Games Test have collected their Christmas wishes and put them to the still undecided readers with best regards to the gift table. The clear winner seems to Dungeon Lords of Czech Games to be clear with the three wishes took place before the werewolves-of-Mirkwood extension The town of Asmodee place. But not only games for adults were mentioned, but also strives for children and families editorial suggestions, which are found mainly at the end, where it also The Magic Labyrinth or Professor Pünschge be found.