Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Homemade Cakes Dirtbike

Der Freischütz

Christian Décembre
Domaine Christian Marie
2, avenue de la Résistance
11 700 Pépieux

Why Christian Décembre have chosen?
After the article by Louis Julien, "An antioxidant health risks" I know I read more about the sulfur and the wine. I will explain it: After the colonization of Algeria, the French began to plant vines there and produce wine. This was a disaster. For yeast, it was too hot in Algeria. It was even often so hot that the yeast was killed. To lower the temperature you worked with refrigerated tanks - another bust. In contrast, the addition of sulfur has worked well. The sulfur slows down the fermentation, with the result that less heat is generated in the tanks. This slowdown is achieved that the heat is distributed in the fermentation for a longer period of time. Dazuhin sulfur plays an important Role as a sterilizer, an additional asset for the winemaker. One day, the sulfur cross the Mediterranean and gradually conquered the world of French wine. Today there is rarely a wine without the addition of sulfur. This is a shame, because I do not think sulfur is beneficial to health. The acceptable daily dose is 49 mg for a man with 70 kg of body weight. This amount is connected to three glasses of red wine have achieved if you eat not just shrimp (prawns are known to increase the percentage of sulfur significantly). If you this is theoretically simple but makes the practical experience: drinks a lot of sulfurized wine in the evening and the next Morning show your headaches, that sulfur is the devil. After this experience you too will be inclined to look out for wines without sulfur. These are always difficult to find unfortunately. I do not know any wines from non-organic ingredients and contain no sulfur. Other hand, I know very well organic wines, which are sulfur-free. This is for instance the case with the wines of Christian Décembre. In addition, this wine a vineyard of just 1.5 hectares. That's it? Yes, that's all, nothing more. And how can one live on such a small vineyard? I do not know! One more reason to pay him a visit. A word
Pépieux We reach the village where the winery Christian Marie is. The story goes back to the 9th of Pépieux Century, the fortifications date from the 12th Century. The history of the winery is not as impressive. This has only existed for 17 years and the building in a U-shape is rather modest. So modest that I can not park in the courtyard because there is already another car. When entering the building, it seems to me small, but most appropriate. Next there is a terrace, the small tasting room and bottle storage. The right is part of the building in which the machines and the wine tank are accommodated.

Domaine Christian Marie: wine tank

In the middle of a cramped apartment and guest rooms on the first floor. And since he is already himself, Christian Dézembre. He shows us his house which is being rebuilt. He does everything himself His apartment has lots of charm, his office is an old wine tank made of concrete. In the wine cellar reveals to us his true Christian character, a true word storm without pity for the Bodies of State power, farmers' organizations and the major national and international companies. Without commas or he takes apart all of these spin doctors.

stupid and obedient
When Christian speaks of "chemists" he means the growers who treat their vineyards with all kinds of chemicals, with herbicides and pesticides and distribute artificial fertilizers to their soils. He finds that they are very obedient. "All these chemists obediently follow the alerts of the producers of pesticides, the investigations carried out in the vineyard and say, for instance, have been observed so and so many flights to certain pests and, therefore, the vineyard with this or that product to be injected."
Christian is not obedient. He injects no chemical agents. And before any other action he looks closely. "I look in my vineyard just to fly around and I do not see any pests. I go every day in my vineyard, because I make everything by hand. I do not inject and yet I have not a single pest, Beerenfäule no, nothing.

The sulfur
www.cyberpresse.cakann On the website you read an article by the well-known critic Jacques Benoit: "Why sulfur?". In this article he writes: "There is unsulphured wines? Apparently not, even though all the really good wine to use as little sulfur as possible, as recommended also Peynaud.
When Christian discussion with other W inzern it turns out that all of this opinion. "When I say that I use no sulfur, then the people are very skeptical. They say this is not possible. How are you doing your wines last? How do you do that? They use sulfur as a precaution in abundance. They say if I add sulfur do I keep the wine undergoes fermentation and then I can rest easy. I need my wine not to monitor every day. That's the whole story. "
Christian has found the philosopher's stone. "If you pay attention, control your tank regularly, from your regular wine tasting, bah, I say to you, then you need to get the fuck no sulfur. I put nothing at all, and my wine ferments still not on. It's hard to believe. The guys say, hey, your wine will be sour. You can not make wine without sulfur add. This is true. In the beginning I added some sulfur as everyone. But then I reduced more and more, half of what fix the others have and then gradually less and less and finally I noticed that it is not necessary at all. Now I have a very sensitive nose and I can smell the sulfur. I think the smell any longer. I enter no more wine cellar, where it smells of sulfur. I can smell it even from the outside. "

The tasting committee
A wine has to earn his title (in Germany quality wine in France AOC, Appellation origine contrôlée). Each winery has a tasting in the spring deliver the Degustationskomiee. The committee assesses whether the wine is "typical". If not, then he is demoted to the table wine. The committee has downgraded it a habit to make the wines of Christian. "In the beginning it's always the same. Once you go new ways, leaving the beaten path of mass taste, this is the flavor of the retailer, the wine representative and the great wine trading companies, which are dazuhin also represented in the tasting committee, despite its partiality. You now have an industrial average taste prevailed. If you zusetzst no artificial yeasts and no sulfur, then get your wine a more natural taste and this has nothing to do with the industrial average taste Duch.
the beginning when I presented my wines have rejected it. There are two reasons why a title may be refused. The first is that the fermentation process must be completed. For me, because my fermentation is a natural, is the first in July the case, but the samples m ust before 31 May that he was given. Sometimes it is too soon for my wines and they are table wines. I still have the possibility of the predicate "Vin de Pays" (regional wine) to obtain, as have the rehearsal time to 31 December. The calendar of the predicates is thus not necessarily in line with the biological calendar. That is one thing.
Then comes the second place, the problem of tasting. I have a wine tastes like grapes, I have no wine with the industrial masses. It is clear that wine tasters tell you then you have an atypical wine. You do not say it is good and they also say he is not bad, no, no, no, they say only: aypisch, and then he will automatically downgraded. 2 years ago, they have my wine classified as atypical. Since then, he sometimes goes through as a quality wine, that is, in the years 2005 and 2006, he was not demoted. Has probably improved the taste? "

on organic farming
Christian believes that large companies will develop the organic market in its own way, globally and industrially.
"We will soon see, the industrial trillion I'm sure use that in a few years all the logo AB (Agriculture Biologique, organic farming according to the European standard) will be large industrial companies with hundreds of hectares. In the moment when someone does not exceed limits for chemicals it has a right to the title of "organic". But their products are not comparable with the wine as a small grower who produces mainly a natural product. Bio, since what is happening, we talk a lot about it. Now people say no, Bio, will not do. Today, they say, yes, yes, organic, and organic products are everywhere. The supermarkets begin to offer more and more organic, more or less produced industrially. "Vegetables without Chemkalien but also grown without soil, animals imprisoned in batteries, but fed on organic maize, animals that were never allowed to be outdoors. Why? The big ones always want the biggest part of the cake and the cake begins to grow.
In France, the offer is less than demand. And France is the country still consumes the least of organic products. The agricultural land for organic farming accounts for only 2%. This is no niche. It is high Time to open the farmers and produce natural products that really deserve to be called organic. "

the rosé flows in the basement
Christian admits us to a little break to visit the wine cellar. Everything looks new and neat. It is a jug under the tap of a tank and looks at good: the Rosé 2007 drips into it. A few seconds later he runs into our glasses.

Domaine Christian Marie Christian Décembre and Rosé 2007

A minute later, four mouths to say: yes, this is a Weinchen.

control of biological cultivation
To get the logo of the AB has certified wine its cultivation. Christian has "Ecocert" selected as the certifying Oranisation. And that is not free.
Christian does not find it normal that he should pay for the proof that its wines are produced without chemicals. Normal would be earlier if the chemischenUmweltverschmutzer would be asked for the damage to the environment and health to the checkout.

A vineyard of 1.5 hectares
Christian started his professional career in the electronics industry and later in computer science. First, in Paris, then in Toulouse. He has worked in large companies such as Dassault, 3M, Canon, Alcatel ...
1987 again, when he often was with his parents, who lived in Pépieux has he discovers his hobby: the production of wine. This hobby has taken shape gradually. Today it has the human size of 1.5 hectares.
"With one and a half acres of vineyard, in other words, 50 or 60 hectoliters of wine you can fill 6,7,8 thousand bottles. If you sell the F lax for 5 €, including taxes as the 4 € are untaxed. Of the 4 from € go, based on small-scale production, the cost of the care of the vineyard, materials such as bottles, corks, etc., taxes, costs of marketing and other expenses, which are about 2 €. Left about stay 2 € net profit. With 8,000 bottles is € 16,000 so annual income. This is about as much as the minimum wage, on condition that no financial costs are there. In 20 years I've put all my savings into my hobby with the intention of producing some point 6 or 7 thousand bottles of natural wine. In a year when I'm retired, my goal is achieved and I am financially for reasons of the R, all with a rural activity, which is healthy and natural.

An anarchist wine
Christian is an anarchist winemakers. He defies all rules, all authority and all customs the winery in France. He has found his own method for growing, harvesting, wine making and sales. Its pink, it proves that he has made good decisions.

Domaine Christian Marie: the wines


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