Monday, November 30, 2009

Fasting For Blood And Herbal Tea

Now one with a horse-trading his master

has nothing to do with trade. Instead, there is the famous and popular horse-trading now a revamped version, which for obvious reasons V1.1 was not horse-trading. but called horse trading Master . Besides the obvious visual renewal of the card illustrations, of course, has also done a lot of content ...

There is therefore now find the familiar animal cards shut out all the nasty rats cards quartets from the standings and in addition in each species a lucrative premium card that brings a new kind of auction with them.

It would not let author Rüdiger Koltz but stop there and donated the multi-player game also a new 2-player variant, which is entirely without auction mechanism, but without the typical horse-trading-Feeling stay on the line ... now, it will be interesting.

follows horse-trading master evidently the new trend of some games that are exclusively available only through this Amazon, a trip to the local game store so you can save.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Need A To Get A Storage Lien On Boat

make Better late than: uh, new year not: play friends congratulated for 10 years, board game world!

BSW: It means play, fun and excitement without chocolate, but that with many other like-minded board game lovers from around the world. The BSW (short for BSW) is celebrating these days its 10th anniversary, which means that for 10 years now, people from all over the world for free online versions of popular board games free to play against thousands of other players from around the world ...
Therefore one must register or download anything more; Java installed (most PCs usually installed) is sufficient; who registers, gets additional detailed profit and loss statistics carried, which is handy especially for frequent play.

The Games of BSW are also now growing 70 on the impressive number of others. Online versions of gems such as Carcassonne, without fear, and nobility, Dog, Numbers, and countless other pandemic. Year after year it will be added to new versions of current games and already have the game publishers and authors recognized the possibilities offered by the board game world as a free advertising opportunity for great new game ideas, but potential customers, the board game before buying extensively. There

An introductory video for the BSW is also available:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Delete Songs Off Sd Card

game review: Think Kids - All notice?

Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... is popular with the animals and all players are welcome to join in the celebrations. You should watch it only that one with all the guests not something confused and even presents the wrong gift ...

from cows, pigs, champagne and cakes

But hey, be honest, but we players are still there to resolve such confusing situations. Therefore, it is up to the players to memorize the six initial short aufgeckten animal cards as well as possible, so that when one's turn, and immediately know which animal, what gift un which hat the animal at the erwürfelten map location . are

Sounds easy? Hey, they have an excellent memory and I congratulate them on a magnificent career as a walking encyclopedia ... for all others but whose memory is like mine (and therefore somewhere between a crushed Wine grapes and a walnut crusted ranks) should be sufficient memorizing these six cards with their respective characteristics have sought to bring them to despair. Also comes with each discovered a new card again to the extent that one is constantly required to memorize new information and to discard old, so that ultimately, with most maps show guessed the winner.


Think Kids - All notice? is a challenge ... and for adults almost more than for kids. For older children, although it has to offer because of its presentation less, as a family game for parents and Children however, it is a wise investment. This is especially so, not because as is usually the parents at the games regardless of the - have to take children, but usually the small ones cut in this game is equal to or better than the adults - understandably weaker. If we still operate as a bring along and the small price to jump on board, then you think with kids - all noticed a good children's game that makes the publisher in any case all the glory.

to my detailed review at ...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vip Common Suitcase Lock

Carcassonne V1.1?

years are knights, monks, robbers and their activities undisturbed Bauer investigated. But now a mysterious Fortune determines the course of events in Carcassonne.

Under the title "Carcassonne - The Wheel of Fortune" Hans brings happiness in just a slightly revised version out of the original Carcassonne. The difference is in the eponymous Fortune, which is in the game, give additional impetus, thus bringing a little new life into the familiar principle. Since this is an updated version commercially, is "Carcassonne - The Wheel of Fortune" can be combined with all extensions for Carcassonne without problems and is aimed as an update to particular buyers have not purchased the Carcassonne.

to Carcassonne is obtain this "update" only Amazon, where there is also a special edition with an enclosed novel. Is one of the first 500 customers this special edition you get also signed it, that when the time is not an additional incentive:-D ...

Oh and if that was not clear ... Carcassonne who does not know: BUY !!!!!! :-D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Heal Windburned Baby Cheeks

Spinnt their pet sometimes? Then they are right with PsychoPet!

What keeps her cat for a canary? Well, the spin but, so off with her to the animal clinic PsychoPet, because at the local, no less stupid doctors their pet is safe in safe hands:-D ...

takes the argument put forward to this year's fairs game Goldsieber Although not itself seriously, stings but well out of his oblique note from Alltagsbrei the games and should therefore not only of people who like to identify concerns with a crack for crazy fun.

To know more about the game, Empire of the Games has released an interview with the games creators in which the two talk in detail about game content and ideas out of school ...

... so and can now keep at a time my two rabbits on the balcony who consider themselves just for Springboks aaarrgh * *...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Use Permethrin Cream

relocation and new domain:

The Wordpress era of gaming friends is over and I run the blog now continue to Blogger. The options for editing the posts here are just larger ...

In any case, recently our domain no longer available, so I've at times smartdots created as a new ... which should hopefully longer ...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kates Playground Archives

playmates reopening!

To my loyal readers (ok, that's a small number at the moment .... but true does not mean necessarily numerous:-D): After I previously hosted my blog on yes I had now had no choice other than go back to Blogger, so I no longer every 5 min wait just to a post from me to add, change or delete them to ...

ie more current news, reports and more as you can see ... an updated logo ;-)...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make Your Own Teck Deck Online

were the Carinthian Games Conference 2009

the Games in 2009 days were again a resounding success. Despite the economic crisis is over, thousands and had the opportunity this year of the new board game and console game area to try out and share with family and friends relaxing hours away from work and professional experience.

Extensive reporting there with photos of the game days and short reviews by me are as usual on .

Ear Ringing After Swimming

How to .... Hair Tattoo 2!

As promised, I begin now with the detailed step by step how to tattoo Hair description.

in my Hair Style Tattoos to create, you will always find a central location in the circuit element. From him in my philosophy arises ultimately the entire Hair Tattoo.
you shave so first of all a circle in the area available to you. Make sure the circuit is not to choose too large and it is not too far to sit at the edges of objects. Use
ideally, Tondeo Tribal Swifter for optimum handling.

This is the first very important lesson!
guidance in picture and video will follow this.

Tip: If you have the opportunity to practice on models or customer of yours, where you can shorten the length anyway, for example, 1x per week on 1/10th millimeter, then you make use of every opportunity you auftuende .


Friday, November 13, 2009

Fluid Right Before Period

game review: Total Crime - The scent of murder

Saturday before a week in time for Halloween was a birthday party for George Singer, a successful perfume manufacturer instead. Well, George did not have much of it because he preferred to be killed before, the more fun it had the potential killer ...

What we also immediately entering into the case, "The scent of murder "would be set from the Mystery total. At the birthday party fall under respected father took George Alfred, his faithful wife Gabrielle, Company lawyer Dr. Sommerfeld and several other figures in part, which is now the day after the ceremony ended unhappily-to-do, arrive along with the inspector responsible for the case Karla Fischer, to expose the perpetrators.

As for crime total games is customary to award the participating roles, and organizational preparation of the evening, by a game director - usually the one who has the game purchased online and wisely, the most experience in dealing have the detective role playing is. In our case, I was the lead player, but had up to hochlobende reviews from my fellow reviewers on Games Test no real knowledge, much less do their own experiences with crime role-playing, vorzuweisen ...

Why is this important? Well, because total mystery games usually need a little preparation. Each participant that one of the roles does (and not just simply sit and watch and his stomach will fully hit the buffet:-D), must receive its role description, not just the general all the information available to him and the other roles and to Gameplay includes, but also personal, relevant information has only his role he held until the beginning of the crime the evening to keep secret as far as possible (it would be fairly pointless, the murderer would check with the open Quicktime-ending game master about what he had observed as a murderer because: - /).

Fortunately, my Instructions were really all the necessary assistance in respect of all with the role allocation and the actual game night necessary preparations, including information on costumes, or to provide an evening meals. It is absolutely necessary that obviously, but as a role-play live from the atmospheric background, the harmonious design, one should not be too fussy here :-).

The actual game
met on game night after all Participants, a much-needed requirement, because missing even one case of the participating roles (specifically, the role of acquiring players), so the game can not be played. One should therefore be in advance to confirm the arrival, to minimize the risk of failure of the evening (yes emergencies can happen always) be kept to a minimum.

The game then proceeds in several rounds in which the inspector (or inspector) reads first the latest results of the investigation the police and then the players personal information to her or to other figures given (there are for each role with a small booklet the directions of each round). After it is then in each case a cheerful mix of suspects and minimization of the obtained information from the references,
because you really do not happen to be branded as a murderer of innocents. Should we, therefore, contribute strongly to possible to learn much, or is one that may be liable as an attempt by distracting ... or is it even the excessive Unbeteiligtsein that draws the suspicion of one? Difficult difficult, but incredibly fun ;-) ...
After 5 such rounds then follows the prosecution, so judging the questions of motive and murderer, before finally the case resolved. The assessment should take place simultaneously and secretly, so that no suspicions because of the recent "mathematical" pronounce (rather than combinatorial) a suspicion.


My goodness, we laughed that night, as we this, our first joint, have tried total crime. The wildest speculation and suspicion, intriguing surprises and mysterious events, everything was in place.
case and solution are in consistent and quite solvable by the participants, although it would certainly have been helpful if all participants had had a plan of the place, on which he would enter his advice it gives, and related thoughts.

Except for improvement of this little fact, the evening rocked really, all the guests were extremely enthusiastic, in short: The next Crime is totally case already ordered!

For full detailed review

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hemoglobinhigh In Dogs

How to .... Hair Tattoo!

Now you are here once a week are instructions for creating professional hair tattoos. Inform yourself on my homepage.

Tip: Get first of all think about what Hair types are particularly suitable. Note hair colors and hair lengths Wuchrichtungen. Get professional tool of thought.
drive with a detailed step by step tutorial I will continue next week.

Stomach Virus And Eating Disorders

German championship in 2008

Viedeo you find in this full-Head-Hair tattoos, which in the award of the 1st German championship in Hair Tattoo had a say in associated Wörtschen. But see for yourself ..