Monday, November 30, 2009

Fasting For Blood And Herbal Tea

Now one with a horse-trading his master

has nothing to do with trade. Instead, there is the famous and popular horse-trading now a revamped version, which for obvious reasons V1.1 was not horse-trading. but called horse trading Master . Besides the obvious visual renewal of the card illustrations, of course, has also done a lot of content ...

There is therefore now find the familiar animal cards shut out all the nasty rats cards quartets from the standings and in addition in each species a lucrative premium card that brings a new kind of auction with them.

It would not let author RĂ¼diger Koltz but stop there and donated the multi-player game also a new 2-player variant, which is entirely without auction mechanism, but without the typical horse-trading-Feeling stay on the line ... now, it will be interesting.

follows horse-trading master evidently the new trend of some games that are exclusively available only through this Amazon, a trip to the local game store so you can save.


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