Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jenna Haze Movies Detail List

... bei Simone Prachmais gestern morgen!
Das war super toll, wir ( Christine and I have) cut, prepared and sewn
much "gepaplet! ;-)
But we have not become Slingo.
(Unfortunately I did not think my camera to take,
I have to show photos of our great morning!) :-(

Soon the results of our Nähmorgen!
Liebi Grüssli

... chez Simone: matin Prachmais
here! On ( Christine and I) cut, prepared, sewn and began talking about a lot! lol
But we're not finished.
(Unfortunately I did not think to take my camera, so I
no photos to show you our super morning!) :-(

soon the results of our morning sewing!
A good day


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