Friday, October 22, 2010

The Difference Between A Period And A Miscarriage

TZPKurdî: Ziman Kurdî ne be nabe!

15:01 / 22 Cotmeh 2010

AMED - Her ku diçe nerazûbûnên li dijî redkirina daxwaza xwe parstinê ya siyasetmedarên kurd zêdetir dibin. Nerazîbûnek tund ji Saziya Ziman û Perwerdeya Kurdî (TZPKurdî) hat. Li ser navê TZPKurdî Mamoste Rifat Ozturk diyar kir ku redkirina parastina kurdî nayê qebûlkirin. Her wiha da diyarkirin ku di TRT 6 ê de bi zimanê kurdî heqaret li gelê kurd tê kirin.

TZPKurdî, bi boneya biryara 6'emîn Dadgeha Cezayên Giran a Amedê ku daxwaza parastina siyasetmedarên kurd red kiribû şermezar bike li ber dadgeha Amedê daxuyanî dan çapemeniyê. Di daxuyaniyê de endam û rêveberên TZPKurdî, KURDÎ-DER'ê jî di nav de, gelek kes amade bûn. Li ser navê TZPKurdî Mamoste Rifat Ozturk daxuyanî xwend. Ozturk, diyar kir ku Komara Tirkiyeyê 87 sal in helwesta înkar û tunehesibandina li hember çand, ziman, siyaset û hebûna gelê kurd didomîne û wiha got: "Helwesta dadgehê ya li hember vê doza qirkirina siyasî û redkirina parastina bi zimanê zikmakî, di heman demê de tê wateya red û înkara gelê kurd. Bi vê helwesta dadgehê nêrîn û nêzîkatiya dewletê û hikûmeta Akp'ê ya li hemberî hebûna gelê kurd bi awayekî vekirî aşkera bûye. Bi vê biryara dadgehê gotinên derewîn û du rû yên hikûmeta AKP'ê yên mîna 'Em birayên hev in, em xwediyê heman mafan in.' Derketiye holê û rûyê AKP’ê û Erdogan ê rastîn ji aliyê gelê kurd ve hatiye nasîn. Êdî kumê Erdogan ê kesk ji serê wî ketiye û guriyê serê wî ji aliyê gelê kurd ve hatiye dîtin. Êdî gelê kurd bi tu awayî bi AKP'ê û Erdogan bawer nabe. Pişta xwe bi wan girê nade û bi wan naxape."


Ozturk, anî ziman ku li gorî Erdogan ji bo 10 hezar karkerên tirk ên Elmanya 'Perwerdehiya bi zimanê tirkî mafekî bingehîne û wiha axivî: "Ku dewleta Elmanya vî mafê nede karkerên tirk ev pêkanîn pişaftine, asîmîlasyone. Asîmîlasyon jî sûcê mirovahiyê ye.' Lê gava ku 25 milyon kurd ên li vî welatî daxwaza bi zimanê zikmakî dikin dibin cudakar û dewleta Tirkiye'yê parçe dikin. Heman Erdogan ji bo daxwaza 25 milyon gelê kurd dibêje 'Bila tu kes hêviya daxwaza perwerdehiya zimanê zikmakî ji me neke.'"

Ozturk, da zanîn ku TRT 6 a ku qaşo ji bo maf û azadiyên gelê kurd vekirine, di heman TRT 6 ê de bi zimanê kurdî heqaret li gelê kurd tê kirin û wiha dirêjî da axaftina xwe: Bi vê doza dîrokî hemû cîhanê durûtî û derewîniya hikûmeta AKP'ê bi awayekî matmayî temaşe kir. Êdî dinya alem dizane ku gotinên Erdogan ên xemilandî yên di ger û geşta dewletê Ewropa de tev derew in. Li hember vê helwesta hikûmeta Akp'ê ya qirkirina siyasî, tunehesibandina çand, ziman û hebûna gelê kurd zext û zora li ser siyasetmedar, hilbijartî, şaredar, endamêm meclisên şaredariyan û meclisên giştiyên bajaran bi kiryarên bê emsal ên wekî dîlên şer bi îşkenceyan re rûbirû mane, hatine binçavkirin û girtin. "


Ozturk, bal kişand ser daxwaza gelê kurd û wiha pêde çû: "Gelê kurd jî dibêje 'Zimanê kurdî ji bo gelê kurd nebe nabe û jêneger e.' Zimanê kurdî sedema hebûn, jiyan û rûmeta gelê kurd e. Gelê kurd dê bi vê ferasetê heta ku her welatiyekî kurd jî weke welatiyên tirk li sukê, li bazarê, li nexweşxaneyê, li dadgehê bi awayeke azad, bê zext û zor zimanê xwe bikar bîne , ji pêşdibistanê heta zanîngehê mafê perwerdehiya bi zimanê zikmakî bidest bixe,û ji hemû mafên bingehîn ê welatîbûnê sûd werbigire, dê têkoşîna xwe bi biryardarî bidomîne. Li girtiyên vê dozê û li daxwaza wan a parastina bi zimanê zikmakî xwedî derbikeve. Lewre di kesayetiya kesên ku di vê dozê de tên darizandin gelê kurd bi hemû nirx û rûmetên xwe ve tê darizandin. Li hemberî vê helwesta bêrûmetkirinê em ê bêdeng nemînin heta ku devleta Tirkiye yê ji ber zext, zor û pêkûtiyên ku li ser çand, ziman û hebûna gelê kurd pêk aniye leborînê ji gelê kurd biaxaze, em ê rûyê rastîn ê hikûmeta AKP'ê ji raya giştiya hemû cîhanê re aşkera bikin."

Daxuyanî bi çepikan bi dawî bû.


How To Know Vip No Lock

Turkish Court: Speaking Kurdish is bad conduct

Heavy sentences against people speaking in Kurdish

iyarbakir Heavy Criminal Court rejected to apply ‘good conduct abatement’ to 3 defendants who defended themselves in Kurdish during the trial. While the court did not let the defendants speak Kurdish and delivered the judgement without listening to the defence. While the 3 Kurdish speaking defendants were sentenced to 15 year-imprisonment another defendants who spoke Turkish was sentenced to 12 years.

Six people Abbas Kaya, Hamdullah Bağdaş, Abdülbari Kalkan ve Netice Kalkan who were on trial on account of being member of PKK. While all six were found guilty Diyarbakir Court accepted speaking Kurdish before the court as bad conduct and sentenced 3 defendants who spoke Kurdish 3 years more that the other defendant merely because of speaking Kurdish. The court has also connected the attitude of the defandants with the ongoing mother tongue campaign.



Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Icc Chart What Are The Colours Hairdressing

Pantene Pro-V [nature fusion] Conditioner - again, a sample


Today I, once again postialisch, a new product got into the house - a (I unknown) Conditioner by Pantene Pro-V!

Currently you can participate on the homepage of the Pantene Pantene Pro-V-test weeks winner "and gets a thank you for two free products in trial sizes sent home.
The whole thing is quite simple and is explained in detail on the home page - directly to the winner-week trial action goes here: Sun .
is at my new product is to say on the Pantene Pro-V fusion nature conditioner that is appropriate according to packaging for dry, damaged hair.

Fläschschen in 75ml trial size is complying proud that I find a free sample quite handsome!

wonderful smells fresh - after apricot? I'm not sure, but I like the smell: D Tried
I have not yet, but you would still tell them to report directly

Shall try it today evening times and then another!

I'm looking forward

22:57 clock - I've been tested 'it!
gewalltige my anticipation was unfortunately only partially satisfied.
my hair feel softer, it's clear in the product lit a prudent Silicone share:-X

First of all, the most critical point for me:
in the middle of the back of the head, at the point where it is usually sleep in, are my hair at the damage, thanks to step-cutting, in which a stage at the exact spot ends: /

Well, at this point, my hair still feel in such a straw-like, as PRIOR. No way - "repair"

Thanks to flush got my hair but a lot of shine to and have to be "catchy" -

all in all: all ok and functional, but not all can damage the hair "fix", as it provides the manufacturer.

Well then:
What you wish you a nice evening!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bessa Bricks Veggie Garden

Dior Extase Masacara

often that I'm a mascara as enthusiastic as this.
earlier this month floated a coupon for a sample for collection in a Douglas store in the house, there was one - of course, extends only as long as stocks - some free samples of ecstasy mascara by Dior 4ml-trial size for Douglas-card holders back down - which can be not so easy to escape that!
And it is, the "Dior Extase";)

" mascara creates spectacular filling up with formula and exclusive couture brush very first Bürstenzug. the experience of divine compressed and perfectly formed lashes. The innovation: a texture of metamorphosis powder and black pearl pigments, designed to give the lashes immediately oversize volume. For the first time Dior has also integrated an active eyelash conditioners in the formula that makes lashes fuller, brighter and better visible. The couture-brush combines two different materials: black and gold nylon elastomer. This comb and coat the lashes in one step. "
- was tested

a good piece of me, of course, and I must say, Christian Dior Cosmetics ecstatic product is keeping, what it promises! See for yourself:

The photo is taken from the side, on my right eye over in the mirror. After

had mascara once my (naturally quite fine) about a lot more voluminous lashes - umbedingt not longer but nunmal denser.
the mascara I've applied twice and - tadaa - the perfect eye make-up! :)
you I think especially the color, yes, this may sound crazy - as most mascaras are black - but this beauty is characterized by such a deep black black, as I hardly know him from other mascaras - conjures an acute eyelashes! :)

answered me in ecstasy, in addition to the surprisingly positive results, but also something else: the price. For 11.5 ml
you pay to purchase the product, all at € 31.00 Douglas, in some Internetversänden the product is also less expensive to acquire.
I find the price a bit steep.

Nevertheless, this mascara gets me a "thumbs up" is preserved for their advertising promises.

tips section that I will treat me good times, but by the fairly high price certainly is not my new everyday product.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Percentage Of Incest In The Church

Chomsky pointed model for North Ireland Kurdish problem

N oam Chomsky says the North Ireland peace process can be a model for solution of the Kurdish problem.

Chomsky — a world-renowned linguist and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Richard Falk and other academics, intellectuals and journalists met this weekend at Istanbul Bilgi University for the 7th annual "Gathering in Istanbul for Freedom of Expression."

In an interview for ANF Turkish Service Chomsky said the success of North Ireland peace process can be a model for the solution of the Kurdish problem.

He pointed out some recent positive developments on Kurdish issue but warned that more needed to be done. He said that he supports the process and called for support of political and civil powers.

Chomsky said that Kurdish problem can be solved by carefully examining Irish and English models. He said that all sides should listen to each other, understand their needs and show every effort to reach to a satisfying solution for both sides.

Chomsky also said that he supports a general amnesty for Kurdish guerillas.

One of the prominent linguistics of the world Chomsky said the Turkish governments denial of education in mother language is a sign of insincerity. "There are television and radio channels in Kurdish but the prohibitation of education in Kurdish is totally unacceptable" he said.

Chomsky critisized U.S. for its role in the war between Turkey and the PKK reminding that Washington was the leading provider of arms to Turkey during the war. He also accused U.S. press institutions which has offices in Turkey of auto-censorship saying the events in Turkey is not covered in a neutral manner by the U.S. press.

He said that U.S. is an ally to Turkey and Ankara supports in every manner. He reminded the support of Washington regime during Saddam era when Kurds were massacred with chemical weapons and called Kurds to always remember what happened.

"U.S. was never a friend to Kurdish people. Kurds should understand this. Kurds has no friends but the mountains. They should remember this," he said.

ANF / 10 th of October 2010


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Difference Between Point And Demi Pointe

you give the weapons to destroy us

The first time was Murat Karayilan the Israeli press an interview.
A team of Israeli channel 2 was met in Chanel Kandil and
there with Murat Karayilan. The interview was published under
including on the front page of the newspaper Haaretz.
The relationship between the PKK and Israel was especially disturbed in recent years
. Mentioned here only the kidnapping of Abdullah Ocalan in 1999,
in the Israeli intelligence had played a crucial role.
We have it mainly referred to the Heron drones - unmanned
flying objects - which are used for reconnaissance in the fight against the PKK from Turkey and Turkey
concerns of Israel.
Murat Karayilan said in the interview: "You know, for me is the biggest mystery in
following: Of all the peoples the world I would have expected especially
of Israel, that we [Kurds] towards understanding and shows
would support us. You have experienced the Holocaust, you have been massacred
, be forced into exile, pursued wurdet. And now
looks at our people, Kurdish on people. We now share the same fate
. The Syrians, the Turks, Iranians, all the powers of the region
destroy us want and strive to accomplish this as well. And in
the great community of peoples of all your people that which
helps them in their efforts by you give them the weapons with which they destroy
There was a time when we were friends. In the years 1960/1970
Israel supported the Kurds. We welcomed that. But since the 1980s
since Israel's relations with Turkey and the military has stepped up
cooperation with Turkey, we see them on the side
those who want to suppress and destroy systematically.
is because trade is all for profit! Of course, it should also between Turkey and Israel would
relations. Why not? But why must go
relations at our expense? Why do they have cost us our lives
? I wonder if the people are aware of in Israel, in what
Art by Turkey of the weapons and the (military) training, it is giving to the used
Turkey. "
Erdoğan has more and more open than any other Turkish Prime Minister
relations with Hizbullah and Syria intensified. He embraces and advocates praised Ahmadinejad
over Hamas. Are you sure you really, is that Turkey
friendly disposed towards you? "

ANF , 22./23.9, ISKU