Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dark Bruise Eye How Long To Heal

invitation to the 20th YXK anniversary celebration

love girlfriends and friends,

1991, the Association of Students from Kurdistan (Kurdish: Yekîtiya Xwendekarên Kurdistan YXK ) first in Germany and later in other European countries.
Today she celebrates the 20th anniversary of their organization's culture!

also we are all YXK'ler and friends of the Kurdish student union warmly a loaded rejoice to jointly .
The ceremony will take place on Sunday the 09/01/2011 at 14:00 Clock Dortmund in the event hall Megastar instead.
There awaits us a very interesting program with lectures, music, dance, art, culture and food from Kurdistan.

We, the university group the YXK Dortmund want you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy new to 2011.

with festive greetings

Yekîtiya Xwendekarên Kurdistan (YXK)
HSG Dortmund

Web: www .

Übersicht des 20. YXK-Jahresfest:  


+ Berîvan Arîn      
+ Koma Ç​ar Newa
+ Ç​etîn Oraner
+ Hozan Welat
+ Rêzan (Hîp-Hopa Kurdî)
+ Koma Kelaşîn
+ Hozan Bang

+ Gotar
+ Sînevîzyon
+ Folklor
+ Cil û Bergê Kurdî
+ Def û Zurnê
+ Aşxana Kurdistanê ( Kurdische Küche)


Date: Sunday, 01/09/2011
Time: 14:00 bis 22:00 clock clock

Location: Event Hall Mega Star, Hannöversche Straße 22, 44143 Dortmund


advance (advance sale): 10,00 EURO
box office (AK): 15,00 EURO


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