Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anyone Receive Tax Refund Early

SOS Mathildenhoehe Darmstadt

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of the Mathildenhöhe,

we look back on an eventful evening, and as you already have the press, radio and television has shown *, the foundation of our citizens initiative found broad resonance. The party has also Bündnis90/DieGrünen yesterday in the Darmstadt city council a 'big question' submitted - you will find attached to this email - and it is obvious that even the constitution of our citizens initiative is a good measure may have helped ..

... first, albeit small successes are also!

As you can see my sender address, we have been the domain 'www.sos-Mathildenhoehe-darmstadt.de' backed up and hope to provide you with more information soon about it and an online petition .

However, this requires your help! Surely you remember that we asked them to name your address also behind a 'Technical Committee', in which you want to get involved and your knowledge. Unfortunately, this field is filled only very rudimentary, so I would ask you today, again, do me via e-mail customers as you would like to be involved.

to remind the various committees were appointed again:

first Internet / Domain: It would apply to the form and make first examines the nature of thought. What to write? How present? Its excellent ability to express contribution!

second Patrons and Sponsors: If you are versed in the English language enough to 'Prince Charles' after a patron to ask? This amount is more than the Mathilde known, finally was his favorite aunt Margaret bowel dweller. Write to Mr. Beil, ask Günther Jauch, who already has a score to settle with Mr. Sander open.
third Press: Mr. Steffen Gerth is already entrusted with the role of spokesman. Do you have good contacts with the press? Please support him!
4th City council / policy: We are looking for the bridge to politics! Do you have contacts with individual City councilors, politicians in state and federal governments?
5th Legal Issues: Help us to find competent and experienced lawyers with a focus on contracting, construction and historic preservation. Elicit from you the monument offices at state and federal level, whether the Sanderbau is inconsistent with local law. Contact the European Section of the World Heritage Committee in Paris.

6th Graphic: Help us to make posters, flyers and a logo effective advertising!
7th Geologists: We have grave doubt that the southern slope can be built in these dimensions, without damage to the surrounding cause listed buildings (see the damage caused during the construction of the 'gallery Sander'). Get in touch with an experienced geologist and request on behalf of the BI a corresponding report.
8th Public relations: the most important job! Get involved in the street! Occupy a booth at the Luisenplatz. Talk to visitors Mathildenhöhe and ask them to sign the petition against the Sanderbau. Distribute our lists. Talk with neighbors and friends to move and try, also distribute lists. Your network is bigger than you think and your contribution infinitely important! 10.000 collected votes are 10,000 voters in the forthcoming local elections in March 2011!
Finally, the memory of our next meeting on Monday, 9 August 2010, 19:00 clock. The place we give you time.

Thank you very much for your commitment and remain for the time being with warm regards,

always your

Stefan Zitzmann


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