Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Much Weight Can Support Wood Screw?

citizen initiative against Sander Museum on the southern slope Founded
citizens protest: "SOS Mathildenhöhe" will prevent the museum building on Alexandraweg


Mathildenhöhe prevent. The agreed 40 Darmstadt on Monday evening in a restaurant in which the meeting was moved at the intended building site because of bad weather.

spokesman for the group is Stefan Zitzmann, who in the Internet community Facebook group, No museum Sander on Mathildenhöhe! Founded "and won in a short time nearly 550 members. On the organization of the civil protest is Sabine Crook involved, which has already helped organize the resistance against the construction of the north eastern bypass.
The citizens are against a change in the height of Matilda, which is already a done deal. Between Alexandraweg and Artists' Colony Museum, on the site of the Second World War destroyed house Christiansen, build the founders Gisa and Hans-Joachim Sander a museum in which they want to show some of their collection, especially Darmstadt art of the past three centuries.
Erected on this end of the fifties, Ernst-Ludwig-wells to be moved to another location. After the death of the founder of this museum will become the property of the city of Darmstadt. In return, the City of the founders of the land in a lease.
all major groups of the Darmstadt city council had in September was 2009, the land transfer approved in closed session, published for the restoration of urban order in 1901 by Joseph Maria Olbrich, "as stated in the proposal. A few months earlier from the city's overall plan to Mathilde height at which the development of the plot highly recommended is. More than once spoke of the memorial advisory board of the museum building. It recommended, however changes to the draft, with whom the Leipzig office Schulz and Schulz won the competition for the new building. As the jury also recommended the council, the amount of to review building, its facade and its distance from the Artists' Colony Museum.
The initiative, however, the goal of a building at this point to avoid completely. The foundation of a museum would be welcomed, said in a statement distributed on Tuesday, architecture and location for the new building, however, were inappropriate. The detailed discussion made it clear how different the motives of the protest are. They range from the direct concern of the neighbors on the historical and aesthetic considerations compared to the suspicions of the founding family, be trusted to, they would place themselves above requirements;. There was talk of, selling out the Mathildenhöhe to the family Sander "In addition, many conjecture employed, how could the new building would affect the application of Darmstadt for the Unesco World Heritage list. Vergrößern one addition to the target and the displeasure with the actions of the city's initiative. The way the decision will be legally reviewed. The founding members agreed in their assessment, that this participation was in the plans to be minimized, if not impossible. The make up they want now - with information booths and lists of signatures in talks with city council and by information on a website. Controversies, the question of whether a public petition is still possible, opened in each case, the legal Ways, a wide range of possibilities, "announced Zitzmann.
the initiators is primarily a concern of the objectivity of the argument and the moderate approach., Anarchist actions with whistles" to that, Stefan Zitzmann not expressly . And Sabine Crook was pleased at the inaugural meeting: "Here are not the usual troublemakers" source echo-online


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