Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dimensions For Shot Put

press release of the Citizens 'Initiative MD SOS' from 07/27/2010:

SOS for Mathildenhöhe

citizens' initiative against the planned Sander Museum has formed - 40 founding members

spokesman for the initiative is Stefan Zitzmann, who a few Weeks has also founded the protest group on Facebook. 550 followers this page now. It is now the citizens' initiative "SOS Mathildenhoehe Darmstadt" has emerged. The name should make clear that the proposed museum is probably the most impressive city of Darmstadt, known worldwide for its unique Art Nouveau architecture, take much damage.

The founding members of BI welcome the offer of the art collector Gisa and Hans-Joachim Sander, the city build a new museum to donate - but keep architecture and location for the proposed building is inappropriate. "We do not want a cube on the southern slope," Zitzmann said. "Such a block has the unique architectural ensemble of Art Nouveau as a foreign body."

BI emphasizes not only to take a clumsy counter stance. "We are not troublemakers," said Zitzmann. This was inconsistent with the spirit of the founding event, which includes many residents of Mathildenhöhe had come to the debate with much expertise. Even an alternative location for the museum. Thus, many BI members present, that is on the far eastern slopes of the rather drab Mathildenhöhe place for the sand paintings. Even the cube architecture would be tolerated here.

The next steps in the BI "SOS Mathildenhoehe Darmstadt" being: Building a Website that will be respected around the world - why the spelling oe at Mathildenhöhe. It also provides awareness of the Darmstadt citizens via leaflets and posters for the museum issue. Within the initiative, technical committees are formed to deal with issues such as architecture, law and public relations professional. Finally, also a patron for the BI to be found.

Citizens initiative is represents the interests of Darmstadt, regardless of their political beliefs. These problems, the BI is also busy: CDU members, Socialists, Greens and Left have said here together for a common goal, namely to preserve the beauty of Mathildenhöhe.

are available for further inquiries:

BI spokesman Stefan Zitzmann, Phone: 0175-36 63 166

Press contact: Steffen Gerth, phone : 0163-30 46 600



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