Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Standard Whist Score Card Template

Museum dispute: Green Municipal criticize


. The dispute over the museum on the Darmstadt Mathildenhöhe continues. The group of Alliance 90/The Greens in the City Council has criticized the council for the Treatment of Museum Sander. , The Citizen participation is at the Municipal Template been ignored, "the Green Party to write to a large request submitted on Tuesday. Mathildenhöhe was the one, striking Identitätsort our city." This identity can not be in the "anonymous haphazard method" to be developed, it states., expert opinions are essential to the view of citizenship as well. " The city council had approved in September 2009, the award of the plot in ground lease for the purpose of the museum building. At that time the Greens had not agreed to the presentation, only votes against came from Uwiga and Uffbasse.

The Greens also refer to a leaflet of the coordinator Mathildenhöhe, according to the donors followed with their new building, a proposal by the city of Darmstadt. , On what basis this proposal has been submitted which bodies have consulted about this? "It says in the eleven-point question, which also an examination of the disputed art collection demands and asks why the templates were each treated in private.

on Monday night had about 40 Darmstadt citizens initiative, SOS Mathildenhöhe founded. "Welcomes the donation of a new museum, but considers the architecture and the proposed location is inappropriate. Source


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